target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US49162423

Worldwide and U.S. IT Outsourcing Services Forecast, 2023–2027

By:  David Tapper Loading


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This IDC study provides IDC's forecast and spending for the worldwide and U.S. IT outsourcing services market for the 2023–2027 period. This study also updates the previous forecast published in Worldwide and U.S. IT Outsourcing Services Forecast, 2022–2026 (IDC #US47708022, May 2022).

"The combination of changing buyer needs, exogenous events (e.g., pandemics, climate change, geopolitical conflict), and public cloud providers becoming the locus of the consumption and delivery of IT services is driving major disruptions across the community of managed SPs playing in the managed cloud services market," says David Tapper, VP, Outsourcing and Managed Cloud Services at IDC. "Success for managed SPs in this disruptive age will require these vendors to create a robust governance structure, utilize an intelligent multicloud management platform, build a new operating model, implement an integrated matrix in using public cloud partners, and structure the ecosystem of partners into a cohesive and integrated system."


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