target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2022 - Document type: IDC Innovators - Doc  Document number: # US49114621

IDC Innovators: Legal Research Software, 2022

By:  Ryan O’Leary Loading


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IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue <$100 million that have demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology — or both. This IDC Innovators study profiles three vendors in legal research software: Casetext, eDiscovery Assistant, and Fastcase.

"Law firms have subsidized their cost to access research by billing their access to their corporate clients with larger pockets. This has put solo practitioners and small firms at a disadvantage. However, smaller players are emerging to democratize and disrupt the cost and way that attorneys access legal research. These innovators are making legal research more affordable and accessible for your legal department." — Ryan O'Leary, research manager, Privacy and Legal Technology


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