target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2022 - Document type: IDC TechScape - Doc  Document number: # US48849622

IDC TechScape: Worldwide Cloud Security Enabling Technologies, 2022


  • Philip Bues Loading
  • Jay Bretzmann Loading


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This IDC TechScape identifies and defines a systematic assessment of contributory technologies related to cloud security challenges and issues as of early 2022. IDC outlines 12 approaches that are all in use today, some way more than others, but we hope they provide users with a starting point for RFI/RFP proposal developments and vendors with a list of possible questions to answer and objections to overcome.

IDC will monitor new developments and update our perspectives and assessments as required in this fast-moving environment. The more workloads organizations move to the cloud, the more they'll encounter exposures, vulnerabilities, and other bad things, requiring new tool developments and new sources for vendor guidance — above and below the SRM line.

"Cloud complexity isn't slowing down, at least while humans dictate the policies and write the code. That means the attack surface keeps growing indefinitely. Given this, organizations of all sizes should have a cloud security checklist at their fingertips," says Phil Bues, research manager, Security and Trust at IDC. "As cloud permeates our lives and our infrastructures, it also leaves the door open to the attackers. Understanding modern cloud security products gets you out in front of the prevailing headwinds and instills trust with your customers and employees."


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