target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2021 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US47768721

Asahi and EY: Buyer Case Study Shows It's Not Too Late to Start a Digital Transformation for Better Business Outcomes

By:  Gard Little Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides a case study of Asahi Europe and International, which was far behind on starting its digital transformation. It describes the strategies and tactics Asahi is using to catch up with its competition and design better customer and employee experiences.

"By its own account, Asahi was five years behind on digital transformation," explained Gard Little, vice president, Global Services, Markets, and Trends at IDC. "But with some significant effort to run projects in parallel rather than serially, and with strict accountability for results from service providers like EY, Asahi is showing other firms that it is still not too late to get started on digital transformation."


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