target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2020 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US46554920

IDC PlanScape: Implementing a Private LTE or 5G Network


  • Patrick Filkins
  • Rohit Mehra Loading


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This IDC PlanScape presents a comprehensive framework to help enterprise and industry stakeholders plan for and deploy private LTE/5G networks for enterprise use cases.

"Enterprise or industry verticals, such as manufacturing, retail, utilities, transport, and public safety are leading the charge for private LTE, and eventually private 5G networks, driven by a desire to capture productivity gains, enable automation, and improve customer experience. While the demand metrics are relatively understood, the emerging private cellular ecosystem presents several road maps, each with particular advantages and disadvantages. While an enterprise (within any industry vertical) will eventually need to assess its own needs internally, understanding the implications from each road map can provide a starting point," states Patrick Filkins, senior research analyst, IoT and Mobile Network Infrastructure.


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