target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2021 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US45633720

Data Control Plane: An Architecture for Data Enablement

By:  Stewart Bond Loading


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This IDC Perspective introduces the data control plane, a new architecture to unify the diversity and distribution of technologies being used to harness distributed, diverse, and dynamic data in modern data environments. The number of organizational roles that work with data daily continues to expand, requiring new levels of data accessibility and usability but without breaking compliance rules. Organizations need to develop a data control plane architecture, organize around the primary layers, and partner with key technology vendors that can provide data control plane capabilities.

"Investment in data and analytics has been accelerated by the pandemic, but the distribution, diversity, and dynamics of data is hampering organizations' abilities to truly leverage it for competitive advantage in the digital economy," said Stewart Bond, research director, Data Integration and Intelligence Software research at IDC. "Data control planes represent a unifying architecture that combines data engineering, data intelligence, policy management, and continuous data observability to provide a backbone for DataOps and data governance disciplines at organizations competing in the digital economy."


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