Mobile and Internet of Things Communications Services

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Jason Leigh
Jason Leigh

Senior Research Manager, 5G Mobility and IoT Communications Services

Photo of Jitesh Bhayani
Jitesh Bhayani

Research Vice President, WW Telecommunications Services

Photo of Pahul Singh
Pahul Singh

Sr. Research Analyst, Mobile and IoT Communications Services

IDC's Mobile and Internet of Things Communications Services focuses on the technologies and go-to-market strategies for consumer and business mobile and IoT connectivity services. This research service provides analysis and recommendations to vendors looking to thrive in this highly competitive market. Our analysts work closely with connectivity providers, including both traditional mobile network operators and new entrants with disruptive services, to identify opportunities and threats and build forecasts based on a solid understanding of their mobile offers, portfolio of assets, and marketing tactics. Annual surveys on mobile consumer and business buying preferences, adoption, and interests further shape the analysis and recommendations. All providers in or entering this market can benefit from the reports on the dynamics of prepaid and postpaid markets, as well as business and consumer smartphone adoption, mobile content strategies, and BYOD and corporate purchasing trends. Grounded with primary research, the service provides the essential guidance that providers need to know in the mobile voice and data services market.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Consumer and business mobile voice and data subscribers, ARPU, and revenue forecasts for mobile voice and data services
  • Mobile service plans, including the impact of shared data plans versus unlimited plans as well as subsidized device versus equipment installment plans and leasing plans
  • Competitive positioning of tier 1 mobile operators as well as disruptive market entrants
  • Analysis of the prepaid and postpaid mobile services market
  • Operator strategies specific to consumer, BYOD, and individual-liable and corporate-liable subscribers
  • Consumer and enterprise mobile preferences and behaviors
  • The impact of fixed wireless access displacement on fixed broadband and the role of Wi-Fi as a cellular offload option
  • Best practices around IoT connectivity management
  • Operator strategies for managed private mobile network services
  • Mobile operator services and features for first responders

Core Research

  • Quarterly Mobile Operator and MVNO Earnings Analysis
  • Mobile Consumer and Business Services Forecast
  • Prepaid and Postpaid Mobile Subscriber Forecast
  • Worldwide and U.S. IoT Cellular Connections Forecast
  • Competitive Analysis of Tier 1 Mobile Operators
  • U.S. Mobile Phone and Smartphone Installed Base Forecast
  • Consumer and Business Mobility Survey Analysis
  • Worldwide and U.S. Managed Private Mobile Network Services Forecast
  • U.S. Wireless Equipment Revenue Forecast
  • U.S. First Responder Wireless Services Forecast

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the key lessons learned from mobile operators when it comes to increasing consumer and business mobility services usage and requirements?
  2. What are the key drivers and inhibitors for consumer and enterprise adoption and usage of mobile broadband services as a replacement to fixed broadband?
  3. What strategies are emerging in pricing, packaging, and marketing mobile services? How are competitive reactions to first-mover disruption affecting mobile operators' long-term economic viability?
  4. How will mobile operators monetize their increasingly diverse portfolio of wireless connectedness tools (4G/5G cellular, LPWAN, etc.) and optimize the pairings between connectivity and use case?
  5. How will the IoT connectivity management landscape evolve?
  6. How will mobile operators adapt to the shift in device-purchasing behavior, specifically early upgrade plans, nonsubsidized devices, and the growing BYOD trend?
  7. What strategies are emerging for managed private mobile network services?