target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # EUR152377924

Vodafone Sells Italian Business to Swisscom, Continuing to Focus on Markets with Sustainable Structures and Sufficient Local Scale


  • Daniela Rao Loading
  • Ahmad Latif Ali Loading


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This IDC Market Note reviews Swisscom's acquisition of Vodafone Italia and reflects on Vodafone's recent M&A activities in Europe. Swisscom's acquisition of Vodafone Italia for €8 billion marks a strategic move; Swisscom aims to merge it with Fastweb to create a leading converged player in the Italian market. The merger is expected to generate significant synergies and enhance service offerings, amid Vodafone's broader European reorganization efforts through mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.

"Swisscom’s acquisition of Vodafone Italia reflects Vodafone's strategy to exit markets lacking sustainable structures and focus on growth markets where it has a strong position," said Ahmad Latif Ali, associate VP at IDC.


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