target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152317024

The Impact of Sovereign Cloud on Enterprise IT


  • Penny Madsen Loading
  • Rahiel Nasir Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective looks at the evolution of the cloud market as it now more broadly considers sovereignty. Organizations are increasingly looking at the potential benefits of sovereign cloud beyond compliance to encompass cybersecurity and support for distributed computing. However, the shift toward sovereign cloud solutions is not without challenges; high costs, high complexity, the potential stifling of innovation, and skill gaps present major hurdles for organizations. They will therefore need to work with a trusted ecosystem of partners that offer the expertise and capabilities to effectively address sovereignty concerns.

"Digital sovereignty reshapes cloud landscapes, demanding innovative, localized solutions to ensure compliance and to address security challenges," said Rahiel Nasir, research director and lead analyst, IDC Worldwide Digital Sovereignty. "Embracing digital sovereignty in cloud decisions is pivotal for operational integrity and strategic autonomy in a data-driven world."


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