target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152303024

People-Centric Innovation in Cities and Communities: The Case of Leeuwarden Municipality

By:  Massimiliano Claps Loading


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This IDC Perspective analyzes the approach to technology innovation of the Leeuwarden municipality in the Netherlands' Friesland region.

"Leeuwarden adopted a bottom-up approach to innovation that looks at the real needs of neighborhoods, segments of the population, and business sectors. It combines that with a senior leadership that changed the mindset of the administration to make it more agile by iterating smart solutions, drawing on the skills and resources of the city's innovation ecosystem, and engaging people in an inclusive manner," said Massimiliano Claps, research director, IDC Government Insights.


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