target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152122824

Boosting Grid Capacity with Dynamic Line Rating

By:  Jean-François Segalotto Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses dynamic line rating (DLR) as a driving force revolutionizing power transmission by optimizing line capacity in real-time based on environmental conditions. DLR systems offer significant benefits in grid efficiency, safety, and integration of renewable energy sources, while reducing congestion and operational costs.

"DLR, and more generally dynamic asset rating techniques, are transforming the way power grids have traditionally worked," said Jean-François Segalotto, senior associate advisor, IDC Energy Insights. "This is helping transmission utilities and system operators squeeze significantly more capacity out of their networks when environmental conditions allow — a critical factor in the face of accelerating system changes and growing local grid constraints."


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