target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # EUR150921924

European Identity and Access Management Forecast, 2024-2028

By:  Mark Child Loading


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This IDC report details the growth forecast for the identity and access management market in Europe for the 2024–2028 period. It examines the trends driving the development of the market, such as hybrid and multicloud adoption, the pace of cloud application development and the IAM requirements associated with that, and the need for increasingly robust and automated identity lifecycle management (ILM) capabilities to serve an ever-growing pool of users and identities. The report includes growth forecasts by submarket and by subregion: Western Europe (WE) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

"IAM remains a complex and multi-faceted challenge for many European organizations, complicated by hybrid environments, dynamic application estates and user bases, and a dependence on legacy tools that is hard to break. Most major IAM vendors are developing comprehensive identity platforms to help their customers consolidate functions and processes; however, the pace of change is slow and falls short of both the speed of business development and the speed with which identity-related threats continue to impact." — Associate Research Director Mark Child, European Security


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