target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Conference Proceeding: Tech Supplier - Doc  Document number: # DIR2024_T5_LR

A Consulting-Led Approach for AI Use Cases' Success

By:  Leslie Rosenberg Loading


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These event proceedings were presented at the IDC Directions conferences in Boston and San Jose in March and April 2024.

AI use cases are enticing to organizations as they offer the promise of accelerated business transformation. At the same time, AI will have significant and complex impacts on people, processes, platforms, applications, and infrastructure interdependencies that must be thoughtfully considered. In this session, attendees will understand how professional services offers are being developed to enable organizations to securely, sustainably, cost effectively, ethically, and innovatively implement and adopt AI and GenAI use cases into their business, technology, and operational road maps.


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