target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # AP51395123

Transforming the Aviation Industry in Turbulent Times


  • Charles Tamayo
  • Franco Chiam Loading


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"Singapore Airlines has consistently set the benchmark for digital innovation in the aviation industry. It has strategically invested in enhancing customer experience through a seamless digital interface and personalized in-flight services by leveraging cutting-edge technology that sets them apart," says Franco Chiam, VP of Cloud, Datacenter, Telecommunication, and Infrastructure Research, IDC Asia/Pacific. "Its commitment to harness data analytics for operational efficiency, ensure agile response to the dynamic travel landscape, and use digital tools to streamline processes, showcases their leadership in digital transformation (DX). Singapore Airlines' achievements reflect a visionary adoption of technology that is setting the blueprint for the industry's future," he adds.


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