target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # AP50371223

The State of Technology Deployment to Support Sustainability in Supply Chains: Key Findings from IDC's 2022 Future Enterprise Resiliency Spending Survey, Wave 9

By:  Stephanie Krishnan Loading


  • 35 slides

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This IDC presentation includes data and insights from IDC's 2022 Future Enterprise Resiliency Spending (FERS) Survey, Wave 9, specific to the manufacturing, retail and wholesale, and transport and logistics industries. It identifies the priorities, pressures, and benefits related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and sustainability initiatives and technology plans to support supply chain participants with these projects. The report identifies the plans for technology adoption with respect to infrastructure and supporting technologies, applications, and specific sustainability technologies for each of the industry segments and examines the related metrics prioritized by organizations across the supply chain. Additionally, it looks at the role of cloud in supporting these capabilities. This report also provides guidance for technology buyers and vendors.

"In the current economic climate, the priority toward ESG and sustainability has suffered as organizations address inflation and operational efficiencies," says Stephanie Krishnan, associate VP, IDC Asia/Pacific Manufacturing, Retail, and Energy Insights. "Organizations need to pursue a strategy of operationalizing sustainability, in which they can gain both business benefits in operating more efficiently and creating positive outcomes for the environment and society," she adds.


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