IDC Government Insights Team
New Research
This IDC study provides insights into the use of open source intelligence for investigations."Agencies are increasingly looking to incorporate targeted OSINT tools and capabilities to circumvent gaps in situational awareness, and to establi...
This IDC PlanScape discusses edge security for federal agencies."Many agencies' primary goal for improving security is implementing a zero trust architecture (ZTA). Zero trust network architecture (ZTNA) does reduce risk, but agencies can s...
This IDC Perspective is a buyer case study, which describes how end-user organizations have applied a consumption-based, as-a-service model to essential infrastructure like water systems. Sustainability Partners, a public benefit company, h...
This IDC MarketScape analyzed the solution offerings and go-to-market strategies of 12 professional services firms that help European governments become data-driven organizations."EU and member states' digital transformation programs assign...
This IDC PeerScape explores how public transportation authorities and transportation operator executives are using MaaS to deliver on the promise of meeting customers to travel in a convenient way, when it suits them, and at a reasonable co...
IDC 研究了中国政务服务市场上的主流厂商,选取 10家典型的政务服务平台厂商进行重点研究,厂商类型涵盖国内软件开发商、综合性ICT厂商、金融科技厂商等。IDC 对入选的政务服务平台厂商的能力和战略进行综合评估,评估标准包括收入规模、产品技术能力、市场和生态以及未来发展战略等维度。各维度根据市场情况进一步划分为若干细分项,并配以不同权重,从而形成 IDC MarketScape 综合评分体系。IDC分析师基于对各个厂商和大量最终用户的深入访谈,对各厂商进行综合分析并确定其在I...
This IDC study provides our top 10 predictions for Smart Cities and Communities."Cities and communities around the world are tackling challenges unearthed during COVID-19 and recent severe weather events with a focus on foundational technol...
This IDC study provides 10 predictions for the worldwide national government market."From shifting to a digital business, attracting and retaining critical skills, selecting IT suppliers based on ESG value, and protecting agency data and pe...
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