IDC Government Insights Team

Hongyu Cheng

Senior Research Analyst

Jifeng SUN

Associate Research Director

Massimiliano Claps

Research Director

Sandeep Mukunda

Research Manager, Digital Automotive and Transportation Strategi

Janice Jin

Research Manager

Alison Brooks, Ph.D.

Research Vice President – Worldwide Public Safety

Roberta Bigliani

Group Vice President, Head of Industry Insights, Future of Operations and Industry Ecosystems Executive Lead, IDC Europe

Adelaide O'Brien

Research Vice President, Government Digital Transformation Strategies

Ruthbea Yesner

Vice President, Government Insights, Education and Smart Cities

Aaron Walker

Research Manager, Government Trust and Resiliency Strategy

Leon Xiao

Senior Research Manager, Vertical Industry Research and Consulting, IDC China

Jebin George

Senior Research Manager, Software, Cloud, and Industry Transformation, IDC MEA

Robert Parker

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Applications, Data Intelligence, Services, and Industry Research

Joe Dignan

European Head, IDC Government Insights

Louisa Barker

Senior Research Manager, IDC Government Insights, Europe

Matthew Leger

Senior Research Manager, IDC Worldwide Education Digital Strategies

Dr. Chris Marshall

Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research

New Research

  • By:  Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading

    This IDC Perspective explores the innovative strategies in cybercrime investigations, highlighting the EncroChat and LockBit cases as pivotal moments that signify a shift in law enforcement's approach to combating cybercrime. Through advanc...
  • By:  Janice Jin Loading

    本研究聚焦于智慧人社市场,对影响市场发展的政府财政情况、政策规划情况等方面的市场环境进行细致分析;着重分析了智慧人社的市场环境与竞争态势,给出了整体市场的市场规模与核心厂商市场份额,并介绍了行业内的核心解决方案提供商。IDC 政府行业研究经理金子惠表示:"智慧人社作为数字政府建设的关键一环,在政策支持和技术进步的双重推动下,正处于快速发展阶段。市场规模保持稳定,应用范围不断拓展,服务效能显著提升。智慧人社朝着数字化、智能化的方向转型,未来市场前景广阔。"
  • By:  Janice Jin Loading

    本IDC研究通过IDC MarketScape厂商评估模型对中国数字政府应用解决方案厂商进行了评估。IDC 研究了中国市场上的主流厂商,选取14家典型的数字政府应用解决方案厂商进行重点研究。IDC 对入选厂商的能力和战略进行了综合评估,评估标准包括收入规模、产品技术能力、市场和生态以及未来发展战略等方面。各维度根据市场情况进一步划分为若干细分项,并配以不同权重,从而形成IDC MarketScape 综合评分体系,通过IDC 分析师对各个厂商和大量最终用户的深入访谈, 综合分...
  • By: 

    • Massimiliano Claps Loading
    • Sandeep Mukunda Loading
    This IDC Survey analyzes the key strategic measures that passenger transportation companies (including airlines, railways, and public transit operators) are implementing. The top 3 key areas of investment are operational efficiency, product...
  • By: 

    • Massimiliano Claps Loading
    • Sandeep Mukunda Loading
    This IDC Survey analyzes the top strategic concerns of passenger transportation companies, including airlines, railways, and public transit operators. Elevated customer expectations, cost increases, and skill shortages are the top 3 preoccu...
  • By:  Matthew Leger Loading

    This IDC study is a vendor assessment of the 2024 North America higher education SaaS and cloud-enabled student information systems market. The vendors and solutions included in this study are Anthology, Blackbaud, Campus Cafe, Ellucian (Ba...
  • By:  Sandeep Mukunda Loading

    In August 2024, Intel made two major announcements connected to the software-defined vehicle (SDV) architecture landscape. The first was the announcement of a collaboration with Karma Automotive to shape the software-defined architecture in...
  • By:  Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading

    The French government's arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and the European Union's (EU's) charges against X's Elon Musk represent significant milestones in the regulation/management of cybercrime and misinformation in the digital realm. In...
  • By: 

    • Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading
    • Ruthbea Yesner Loading
    • Louisa Barker Loading
    • Louise Francis Loading
    • Sandeep Mukunda Loading
    • Aaron Walker Loading
    This IDC study provides a framework for digital transformation (DX) in Smart, Sustainable Cities and Communities, illustrating how cities are prioritizing use cases for investment and the strategic priorities that are driving technology spe...
  • By: 

    • Massimiliano Claps Loading
    • Adelaide O'Brien Loading
    This IDC Survey presents responses from a June 2024 survey of 57 government executives. These responses reinforce the growing importance of digital sovereignty including sovereign cloud solutions and AI technologies that enhance digital sov...

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