IDC Government Insights Team

Hongyu Cheng

Senior Research Analyst

Jifeng SUN

Associate Research Director

Massimiliano Claps

Research Director

Sandeep Mukunda

Research Manager, Digital Automotive and Transportation Strategi

Janice Jin

Research Manager

Alison Brooks, Ph.D.

Research Vice President – Worldwide Public Safety

Roberta Bigliani

Group Vice President, Head of Industry Insights, Future of Operations and Industry Ecosystems Executive Lead, IDC Europe

Adelaide O'Brien

Research Vice President, Government Digital Transformation Strategies

Ruthbea Yesner

Vice President, Government Insights, Education and Smart Cities

Aaron Walker

Research Manager, Government Trust and Resiliency Strategy

Leon Xiao

Senior Research Manager, Vertical Industry Research and Consulting, IDC China

Jebin George

Senior Research Manager, Software, Cloud, and Industry Transformation, IDC MEA

Robert Parker

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Applications, Data Intelligence, Services, and Industry Research

Joe Dignan

European Head, IDC Government Insights

Louisa Barker

Senior Research Manager, IDC Government Insights, Europe

Matthew Leger

Senior Research Manager, IDC Worldwide Education Digital Strategies

Dr. Chris Marshall

Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research

New Research

  • By:  Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading

    This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview of the key takeaways from the recent AWS Public Sector event held June 7-8, 2023, in Washington, D.C. The event showcased numerous technological innovations relevant to public sector agencies...
  • By: 

    • Adelaide O'Brien Loading
    • Aaron Walker Loading
    This IDC PlanScape provides federal agencies a framework to make strategic choices regarding the type of AI solutions they should leverage to address the skills gap in federal agencies. This IDC PlanScape highlights several solutions develo...
  • By:  Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading

    This IDC Market Perspective provides a discussion of developments IDC foresees as critical factors in this market throughout 2023. Public safety agencies worldwide are capitalizing on massive innovations in technology specific to their subv...
  • By:  Janice Jin Loading

  • By: 

    • Louisa Barker Loading
    • Joe Dignan Loading
    This IDC Market Perspective provides a quarterly update on key partnerships, initiatives, and regulations linked to the sustainable buildings, homes, and districts market. The scope of this market covers digital transformation across the bu...
  • By:  Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading

    This IDC Perspective discusses the developments IDC foresees being critical factors in the data-driven policing market throughout 2023. "Broadly speaking, the technology market is on the precipice of a monumental change, with next-generatio...
  • By:  Jifeng SUN Loading

  • By: 

    • Leonardo Freitas Loading
    • Matthew Leger Loading
    • Rahiel Nasir Loading
    This IDC Perspective explores the essential skills needed to build digital sovereignty (DS) across industries: cybersecurity, data governance, and cloud. We will also discuss the role of education systems and IT training providers in advanc...
  • By:  Jifeng SUN Loading

  • By: 

    • Louisa Barker Loading
    • Joe Dignan Loading
    • Rimal Likhari
    This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview of how technology can be used to instrument rivers. Many cities owe their existence to the proximity of a river, and maximizing this asset is an opportunity to add value through the use of ra...

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