Security Team
New Research
“无论是从法律合规层面还是业务切实需求层面来说,Web应用防火墙都是企业构建主动网络安全防护体系的重要组件。虽然受到疫情以及全球经济压力的影响,2022年中国网络安全市场整体增速明显放缓,但未来快速增长的态势并未改变。另外,WAF技术提供商应不断丰富WAF产品的能力组件,努力提高产品的智能化、自动化水平,帮助企业应对不同应用场景下的Web 应用安全防护需求。”——IDC中国网络安全市场研究经理赵卫京表示。
This IDC Survey looks at the state of zero trust initiatives across multiple factors. Since the premise of zero trust is generally regarded as sound, advancement of zero trust efforts would seem assured. Increased data security, better vuln...
This IDC Survey Spotlight provides insight into the importance of trust centers in determining purchasing decisions. Here we display the 2022 and 2023 results of the following question: "You mentioned that your organization strongly conside...
This IDC Survey Spotlight focuses on the criteria important to business leaders when selecting a cloud vendor. Here we compare the results of a 2022 survey with the results of a 2023 survey on the following question: "In this exercise, you ...
This IDC study provides a five-year forecast for the threat intelligence market for the 2023–2027 period. Note the market forecast provided here is the sum of worldwide threat intelligence platform (TIP) and threat intelligence security ser...
This IDC Market Perspective looks at the state of corporate legal technology. For many years, technology vendors and practitioners have dreamed of a corporate legal platform. This report looks at the shifting priorities, challenges, and the...
This IDC Market Note highlights several announcements and discussions at the RSA Conference 2023, held in April. Announcements covered in this document feature generative artificial intelligence, cloud-native application protection platform...
This IDC Survey looks at ransomware attacks from an OS-centric perspective. This document was based on survey data from IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey, August 2022; n = 829. IDC looked at the results in three groups:...
This IDC Survey is the fourth deep dive into the topic of ransomware, and it provides a perspective of how ransomware evolves over time. Leveraging IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Longitudinal Survey, 952 IT decision makers ...
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