Security Team
New Research
This IDC PlanScape focuses specifically on the cyber-recovery aspect of the cyber-resilience program and provides an in-depth review of cyber-recovery practice. It discusses the why, the what, the who, and how to build effective cyber-recov...
This IDC Market Note discusses IBM's acquisition of Polar Security as well as the launch of a new SaaS security tool. The combination of these two announcements indicates a market focus on smaller to midsized enterprises.
This IDC Survey examines the topic of cyberinsurance and ransomware. It leverages IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey of 952 IT decision makers in 18 countries, 7 industry segments, and 5 sizes of organizations and addres...
This IDC study presents the new five-year forecast for security services. Security service providers (SPs) need to understand how global threats, economic conditions, the increased role of the Board and the C-suite, and the growing regulato...
This IDC study provides an overview and comparison of options in the network edge security-as-a-service (NESaaS) market. The need to consolidate security technologies into a single technology stack has emerged as a top-of-mind concern in re...
本 IDC 研究报告主要阐述 2022 年中国公有云抗 DDoS 市场的规模、厂商份额、技术发展变化等内容。"数字化转型大背景下,云计算、物联网、5G等新兴技术应用的不断增多在为最终用户带来便利的同时也为攻击者发起DDoS攻击提供了更多资源。与此同时,由于DDoS攻击具备成本低、针对性强、损失高等特点,近年来全球 DDoS 攻击事件呈现明显上升趋势,攻击逐步向规模化、常态化、行业化的方向发展,政府、运营商、金融、电力、互联网等关键信息基础设施行业对DDoS防护的需求也在此背景...
This IDC Survey Spotlight covers corporate legal's expected benefits from artificial intelligence (AI) use and presents a comprehensive analysis of the corporate legal survey conducted by IDC in June 2023, focusing on the anticipated advant...
This IDC Market Glance provides an illustrative snapshot of the breadth of cloud security offerings in IaaS marketplaces. One of the most significant innovations in cloud security is in the area of sales and monetization. The advent of secu...
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