Telecommunications Team
New Research
Becoming a digital business is a multifaceted journey that impacts all areas of the organization. Organizations must embrace modernization and the digital business era to grow and thrive in the new Latin American and global economy. Enterpr...
This IDC PlanScape provides an overview of the key drivers for migrating to a neutral colocation facility and the issues to consider as part of that process. "Colocation is an important and cost-effective alternative to hosting data in-hous...
本IDC调查焦点揭示了5G服务是运营商撬动企业数字化转型市场的重要抓手。5G网络通过提供高速、低延迟、大容量连接、高可靠性和稳定性等特性,为企业用户的数字化转型提供了重要的支持和推动力。运营商通过提供先进的5G网络基础设施和创新的解决方案,帮助企业用户实现数字化转型的目标,并开拓更广阔的商业机会。尽管目前缺少明显的"杀手级"应用,但随着5G网络的技术发展,以及使用成本的持续下降,预计会涌现更多创新和引人注目的应用。同时,运营商在积极推动以固定无线接入(fixed wirele...
本プレゼンテーションは、国内産業分野向け5G市場に関してIDCが2022年~2023年に行った分析のサマリーを提供している。本市場に影響を与えるトレンド、競合分析、ユーザー動向、本市場の将来展望、ITサプライヤーへの提言などで構成される。本プレゼンテーションの内容は、『2023年 国内産業分野向け5G市場 主要通信事業者およびベンダーのビジネス動向(IDC #JPJ50571223、2023年5月発行)』『国内産業分野向け5G市場予測、2023年~2027年:テクノロジー別、...
Cloud customers are increasingly open to working with multiple providers to optimize feature sets, performance, and cost. The Vultr Cloud Alliance aims to facilitate the concept of composable cloud services by creating an ecosystem of partn...
This IDC Market Glance provides an overview of the technology providers participating in the edge infrastructure and platforms market in Europe. It includes the top regional vendors and vendors of significance in Europe in edge hardware, so...
This IDC Survey examines the worldwide monthly technology investment monitor for June 2023. After a year of disruptions from high inflation to war and geopolitical tension to energy shocks to anticipation of recession in major countries, it...
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